Let PledgeStar’s online fundraising system help your high school sports team, band or other program host a pledge drive to raise the money it needs to fight back against rising costs.
“We raised more money than we ever raised with a single fundraiser! The families loved the fact that it only took about 15 minutes to complete the entire set up and email process.”
Why pay outside fundraising companies 25-50% of the money you raise selling magazines, wrapping paper and candy door to door? Whether you’re a booster club, coach or parent, PledgeStar helps you raise even more for only 7% or $695 -- whichever is less!
PledgeStar supports Lift-A-Thons, Home Run Derbies, Hoop-A-Thons, Goal-A-Thons, and just about any other pledge drive you can dream up. Have an idea? Let us help you make it a reality.
Click here to see how Pledgestar helped Corona Del Mar High School raise almost $300,000!
To get started on your next great fundraiser, call (949) 215-4458, or email info@pledgestar.com